Monday, March 31, 2014

Travis Crafton

Opening Day in baseball is no doubt the most exciting day in baseball. From the opening ceremonies announcing the roster for the home team, to a pre-game parade in Cincinnati, opening day is full of excitement. The ceremonies are capped off by a fly over that shakes the stadium and will send chills down your spin. It is the one time of the year where every team is in first place and in contention for the playoffs. Fans are filled with excitement and optimism about their chances of winning that year. Veterans are given a clean slate to continue their career, a rookie is given his first shot in showing what he can do, and a team writes off the previous year and makes this year, next year. It is a time where fans of different generations reflect on past seasons and connect through the memories. Fathers give their kids memories that will last a lifetime by taking them to an opening day game. Overall, the day is about tradition and a day of firsts. It is the first hit of the season, first run, first walk off, and hopefully first win of the season. Opening day is what officially kicks off spring and causes fans to be excited once again.
            These qualities of excitement and tradition is what Double Play brings to the community of Hendersonville. We want to make players excited about playing the game of baseball and instill tradition through our teachings and instructions about the game. We want the customers to feel the same kind of passion about baseball as the company does. Our goal is to make young players the best that they can be and hopefully have success and play for many years. But, we want them to enjoy baseball and have the passion and excitement for every game as they do on opening day. 

By: Travis Crafton

Jessica Lynn

Fresh dirt, clean bases, and a spring day, what more would you want? Every year millions of baseball fans look forward to the first pitch of the season. The players are eager to play after their long spring training. The fans have restored full confidence in their favorite team, and are already counting on them to make it to the playoffs. Everyone is smiling and the aroma of freshly roasted peanuts fills the air. These are the things I love about opening day.
            At Double Play, we want our players to have the same enthusiasm when coming to train at our facility. Yes, we are about progress and obtaining your goals, but we also want it to be a fun, positive experience for our athletes. At the end of the day, we are all here for a reason, and that is because we love the game of baseball.

By: Jessica Lynn